Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gepetto Knew

It's obscure,
this reference to an old Italian
wood maker...but he knew
the joy of making something
with your own two hands
and having it spring to life
before your very eyes.

I looked
and where there was a baby
that I had held in my hands
for twelve months round and rolly,
now stood a sturdy boy--
a real boy!

Gepetto knew
this same spurt of joy
that ran through me all at once
to realize our little one
was growing up
no longer a baby--
a real little boy!

J. K.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Like The Butterfly

You are
like the butterfly
that flits from this
to that
hovering here
for an instant,
then whirling
to find a new resting place.

Bright in spirit
and color
you suck the sweet
from all you see
and leave behind
tracings of your delicate
of pitter-patterings.

I love
this curiosity
and never tire
to watch you fly
from delight to delight
your smile the sunlight
to my flower.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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